About Time: Master Scheduling and Equity

In response to the sudden shift to remote learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, districts and schools across the country have demonstrated a more flexible and strategic approach to school schedules. This shift has unsettled long-held assumptions about the structure of the school day and the scheduling process. Instead of viewing master scheduling as a technical task, more schools and districts now view master scheduling as part of a strategy to address inequity.

In the report “About Time: Master Scheduling and Equity,” we draw on the experiences of principals, schedulers, programmers, and other system leaders to establish a case for adopting a more equity-focused, strategic approach to master scheduling. The report culminates in the Master Scheduling Equity Framework. Check out the links below to learn more.


This work would not have been possible without the generous support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the contributions of researchers, school and district leaders, teachers, schedulers, and scheduling service providers who offered their time and expertise to help us better understand the relationship between master scheduling and equity.