Rewiring Public Education
We partner with entities across the education sector to solve their most pressing equity-focused challenges by transforming how systems work – how they make decisions; define success; motivate action; support and scale high-quality services; solve problems; and define, generate, capture, share, and spread knowledge. Powered by a new operating logic and research-based practices for leading change, our teams co-produce with those inside systems policies and practices that work for students, families, educators, and communities.
We provide high-quality and affordable research, policy, and legal expertise to state departments of education, school districts, charter school organizations, philanthropies, school support organizations, non-profit organizations in public education, and other social sectors -- we've partnered with more than 250 entities to date.
We also train the next generation of leaders through our graduate program to enact this new operating logic for remaking our public institutions, starting with public education, over the long-term.
We strive to effect change not only through our direct work with systems, but by sharing our learning with leaders across the education sector.
Learn more about our work and how you can partner with us. Reach out at [email protected].
What we do

We support leaders at the local, state, and national levels to redesign their systems in innovative ways that make and sustain equity-focused change.

We support leaders’ partnership with communities to co-discover, expose, and transform system’s design. Strong home-school connections are central to this work.

We treat high quality instructional materials as opportunities to redesign systems, with strategic professional learning at the center of that work.

We partner with state and local education leaders and advocates to examine and rethink how the teaching profession is governed.

We partner with intermediaries and philanthropies to create a structure for collective action that enables shared momentum and progress toward goals.
Our Approach: Evolutionary Learning
Central to our research and consulting support is Evolutionary Learning, an approach that offers a disciplined method of organizational learning and improvement. The approach guides individuals, teams, and organizations in structuring everyday activities as carefully observed tests to reveal progressively better ways to improve and achieve their desired impact. Evolutionary Learning is both a set of tools for effectively delivering promising strategies and a model of organization and governance that puts continuous improvement at the core of what organizations and their leaders, staff, and stakeholders do—day in, day out.
Learn more about Evolutionary Learning.