Publications and Tools

To achieve equity at scale, learning leaders ensure promising, well-vetted knowledge is spread within and beyond their own boundaries.

Since 2011, we have produced hundreds of publications and tools based on our research and partnership with education sector leaders across the country. On this page, find our most recent work, organized around the levers for change on which we center our work. Our Evolutionary Learning approach cuts across all of these projects. 

Instructional materials and professional learning

In recent years, high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) have presented exciting opportunities to enhance students’ engagement and agency in their learning, expand access to grade-level content, and narrow the boundaries between home and school. However, HQIM is not only about strengthening instruction. It also offers a doorway to big, bold change, an opportunity to ease our way into rewiring how school systems operate, enabling them to learn, adapt, evolve, and dismantle systemic inequities in a rapidly transforming world. Here is some of what we are learning from our research and partnerships. 

cover of CICF with group of people standing together.
Curriculum Implementation Change Framework

Adopting and effectively implementing a new curriculum is a complex and deeply personal change process. The Curriculum Implementation Change Framework helps curriculum implementation leaders systematically understand how and why curricular materials are being used so they can make strategic decisions about how to best support teachers.

cover image of report -- three adults smiling
Curriculum-Based Professional Learning: The State of the Field
Curriculum-Based Professional Learning: The State of the Field

Our study of the state of the field of curriculum-based professional learning reveals that while the infrastructure and field-level agenda are fairly well-developed, the actors, knowledge base, and resources require focused attention for the field to reach its potential for impact.

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Staying the Course: Toward Strong HQIM Implementation in Delaware
Staying the Course: Toward Strong HQIM Implementation in Delaware

In this examination of the policies and practices at play in implementing high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) in Delaware, we learn how leaders at the state, district, and school levels can create the infrastructure, systems, practices, supports, and community needed to provide rigorous and affirming learning experiences for each and every child. 

report cover image for Fundamental 4 report
Fundamental 4
Fundamental 4

After the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted PK-12 schools, some school systems emerged with a new understanding of the instructional core, based on relationships among teachers, students, instructional materials, and families. Our research examines how some leaders are leveraging high-quality instructional materials to coordinate academic co-production among the four anchors of the core; sustaining aligned professional learning; and creating structures for families, teachers, and students to design, monitor, and improve student learning experiences.


Reimagining the educator workforce

From developing systems for increasing educator diversity to redesigning educator preparation programs and teacher certification policies, we partner with state and local education leaders and advocates to rethink how the teaching profession is governed. 

Teacher and student talking.
Designing Contracts for a Modern Classroom

To prepare students to live and work in a world that is constantly changing, students and teachers need modern classrooms that are flexible, iterative, individualized, and constantly improving. Teacher contracts are a frequently overlooked yet essential lever for achieving the transformation we need to do that. This report examines the challenges created by current contracting processes and explores approaches for enabling contract innovation that can lead to improved learning experiences and a stronger profession. 


cover image of CT report
Connecticut Educator Insights on Building a More Effective, Diverse Educator Workforce

Concerned about the impact of staffing shortages on Connecticut schools – particularly those serving a high proportion of students living in poverty and Black and Latinx students – educators and administrators from across the state recommend changing the state’s educator preparation and certification process in ways that will help school systems fill vacancies with strong, effective educators who better reflect the diversity of their students.

Recruitment and Retention of Black Educators report cover image
Recruitment and Retention of Black Educators
Recruitment and Retention of Black Educators

This formative evaluation of the National Center for Teacher Residencies' Black Educators Initiative identifies promising strategies for recruiting and retaining Black educators. BEI recruits, prepares, and retains new Black teachers through a national Network of teacher residency programs and aims to improve outcomes for Black students in particular, and for all students generally, by increasing access to effective Black teachers.

Cover of "From Acorn to Seedling: Developing the Great Oaks Fellowship Program"
From Acorn to Seedling: Developing the Great Oaks Fellowship Program

CPRL examines the Great Oaks Foundation's strategic efforts to implement a more standardized fellowship program to strengthen its impact on tutors, students, and school communities as part of a school-wide high-dosage tutoring program. The report includes early, promising outcomes and directions for continued development.

Image of Re-envisioning Professional Education Report Cover Page
Re-envisioning Professional Education

This paper examines the state of professional education, the need for reform, and the promises and challenges of implementing the dramatic changes needed to prepare professionals for today's workplace.

Rewiring systems as participatory democracies

When leaders partner with their communities to co-discover, expose, take on, and transform a system’s flawed logic, people inside and outside the system can together produce a new logic that works for students, families, and communities. Building strong family-school connections that help improve learning experiences and achievement for every student is central to this work.

Mother and daughter do homework together.
Family Engagement in Action

Grounded in the work of organizations serving diverse communities across the U.S., this report lays out an inclusive school-family partnership model for building family and educator capacity and providing space for families and educators to listen, learn, and codevelop, all in service of building responsive learning environments for students.

Parents with child as child works on laptop.
The Tech-Powered Instructional Core

Over a year, CPRL convened 20+ New York City-based school system, school, and support organization leaders to design, test and measure new ways of activating the “tech-powered instructional core” – the interaction between educator, learner, family, and tech-infused instructional material that drives learning. This playbook captures their learnings and recommendations. 

cover image of spread the word toolkit.
Spread the Word: A NYC Reads Family Partnership Toolkit

In an effort to help school leaders collaborate with families in the implementation of NYC Reads, NYC Public Schools' literacy initiative, CPRL and NYCPS developed "Spread the Word: A NYC Reads Family Partnership Toolkit." While specific to NYC, this tool offers valuable guidance for school leaders in any system. 

Photo from CPRL's report "Forward Together," which features a mother, father, and elementary-school aged child seated in front of a laptop.
Forward Together Building a Field that Works for Families

This paper explores the role of philanthropy in supporting family-school connections, how the field has evolved, and future directions.

Cover for the Fundamental 4, which featues a dark blue background, report title, and images from in-person and report schooling.
Fundamental 4
Fundamental 4

After the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted PK-12 schools, some school systems emerged with a new understanding of the instructional core, based on relationships among teachers, students, instructional materials, and families. Our research examines how some leaders are leveraging high-quality instructional materials to coordinate academic co-production among the four anchors of the core; sustaining aligned professional learning; and creating structures for families, teachers, and students to design, monitor, and improve student learning experiences.

Cover of RISE to Thrive publication featuring a woman standing before students at desktop computers; a second woman directing a child to look into the horizon, and a mother and father with their son and daughter
RISE to Thrive: A Vision for a Transformed and Equitable Education System

How might we design an education system that prepares every child to thrive in school and in life? Based on extensive research with students, families, teachers, and leaders, this paper offers an innovative way forward for designing more equitable schools and school systems.

Cover of Making Learning Work Introduction. Blue background with a graphic tree and images related to distance learning such as a laptop and headphones
Making Learning Work
Making Learning Work

This resource is intended to help families support their children’s learning and growth. Materials are available in Spanish and include guidance for how to use these guides.

More systemwide innovation and transformation

On the school, system, and state levels, leaders are taking innovative approaches to dismantling inequities, and are seeing results. These reports offer valuable lessons for education leaders and policymakers seeking to transform public education.  

Pathways to Partnership cover image
Pathways to Partnership: How Cross-Sector Collaboration can Increase Impact

This case study of Achieve Atlanta's (AATL) cross-sector collaboration model explores AATL's work with college access, affordability, and success partners to achieve outcomes that can be challenging for one organization to accomplish alone. The study offers insights for organization leaders to consider when developing partnerships in their communities. 

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Improving Educational Access, Performance, and Outcomes for Students with Disabilities

This report offers a comprehensive examination of state and district structures and processes for oversight and support of special education services in schools across the country. The research also examines structures in the Louisiana Department of Education and New Orleans Public Schools against effective practices in other states and districts around the U.S. 

cover image of good life paper with students in science class
A 'good life' for every student

In this study of high schools in New England, CRPE and CPRL explore how lessons schools learned during the Covid-19 recovery period can contribute to more lasting, transformative shifts in high school that prepare young people not only for college or work, but to live a “good life” on their own terms. 

image of case study
Innovation spotlights: Case studies in high school redesign
Innovation spotlights: Case studies in high school redesign

Educators nationwide are forging their way in a landscape shaped by pandemic-induced disruptions. These teaching case studies, created with the Center on Reinventing Public Education at Arizona State University, showcase the successes and challenges of high schools improving or redesigning the student experience and include in-depth discussions of key issues related to innovation and equity in high school education.

teacher standing in front of group of students
Equity in Action: Bright Spots
Equity in Action: Bright Spots

In this report, CPRL and the BELE Network tell stories of organizations and school systems that are embracing equity-oriented principles—grounding teaching and learning in the science of learning and development, leveraging approaches that anchor on the student experience, and harnessing the resources necessary to dismantle inequities—with promising effect.

Girl looking at camera on cover of Newark report
Newark Enrolls: A Principled Approach to Public School Choice
Newark Enrolls: A Principled Approach to Public School Choice

CPRL and MarGrady Research examine the school enrollment system in Newark, New Jersey, and determine that Newark’s centralized enrollment system has improved access and equity for high-needs students. This report assesses the impact of Newark Enrolls, highlights strengths in its implementation, and identifies opportunities for continued improvement.

girl sitting at laptop on report cover
Actualizing Connecticut Classrooms for Continuous Learning
Actualizing Connecticut Classrooms for Continuous Learning

Created by CPRL in collaboration with the Connecticut State Department of Education, this guide supports districts in creating equitable, high-quality, and culturally responsive and sustaining remote learning available to all children, no matter what their home situation and their education and language needs. This resource draws on comprehensive research into how districts and schools met the challenges and opportunities posed by the spring 2020 transition to remote learning.

cover image of report with clock
About Time: Master Scheduling and Equity
About Time: Master Scheduling and Equity

The sudden shift to remote learning unsettled long-held assumptions about school day structures and the scheduling process. Instead of viewing master scheduling as a technical task, more schools and districts now view it as part of a strategy to address inequity. Drawing on experiences of principals, schedulers, and programmers, this report establishes a case for a more equity-focused, strategic approach to master scheduling.

cover of managing for change report.
Managing for Change
Managing for Change

In this two-year formative evaluation of the Networks for School Improvement (NSI), a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation initiative, we found that NSIs have great potential to improve academic and college access outcomes for marginalized students.

kids working together at a table.
Integrating schools and systems

For several years, CPRL has partnered with education leaders at the state, district, and school levels to pursue school integration as one strategy for creating more equitable school systems. Out of that work, we have produced a number of resources and tools to guide school integration efforts. 

Map of the U.S. is pictured on the cover of this report.
Legal Environment for Pension Policies

An examination of pension policies reveals legally permissible pathways to improve funding sustainability and ensure adequate retirement income security for states’ workforces. CPRL partnered with the Equable Institute to create this state-by-state analysis of pension governance. 

cover image of report with picture of students in a classroom.
Purple Star Schools Program

Military-connected students have distinct educational experiences. The Purple Star Schools (PSS) program, an initiative adopted in numerous states that sets standards to designate military-friendly schools, is designed to help mitigate the unique academic and socio-emotional challenges faced by military-connected students and their families. This report examines how the program has been implemented and evolved over time and how stakeholders have worked to ensure rigor and sustainability.