Kelly McMahon

Kelly is a Director of Research, Strategy and Policy at CPRL. Prior to joining CPRL, Kelly was a Senior Associate at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. She has deep knowledge of launching, leading and supporting the development and progress of networked improvement communities and the use of continuous improvement in education. Kelly is an expert educator, facilitator, coach, and researcher; she works with diverse stakeholders including teachers, intermediaries, academics, and administrators who are interested in transforming systems and scaling evidence-based innovations. She has presented at various conferences including American Education Research Association’s Annual Meeting and Carnegie’s Annual Summit on Improvement in Education. Her published research includes Evidence for Improvement: An Integrated Analytic Approach for Supporting Networks and Partnering to Scale Instructional Improvement: A Framework for Organizing Research Practice Partnerships. Kelly began her career as an English teacher at Stuyvesant High School in New York City. She earned an MA from Teachers College, Columbia University, and a P.h.D. in Education Administration and Policy from the University of Michigan.